
Home > Products > Rare Earths > Thulium


Thulium is a chemical element with the symbol Tm and atomic number 69.   It is the thirteenth and third-last element in the lanthanide series.  Like the other lanthanides, the most common oxidation state is +3, seen in its oxide, halides and other compounds;  however, the +2 oxidation state can also be stable.  In aqueous solution, like compounds of other late lanthanides, soluble thulium compounds form coordination complexes with nine water molecules.Thulium is the second-least abundant of the lanthanides, after radioactively unstable promethium which is only found in trace quantities on Earth.     It is an easily workable metal with a bright silvery-gray luster.  It is fairly soft and slowly tarnishes in air.  Despite its high price and rarity, thulium is used as the radiation source in portable X-ray devices, and in some solid-state lasers. E FORU provides Thulium and compounds at a competitive price, including Thulium Acetate, Thulium Carbonate, Thulium Chloride, Thulium Fluoride, Thulium Metal, Thulium Nitrate, Thulium Oxalate, Thulium Oxide, Thulium Sulfate.

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Thulium is representative of the other lanthanides (rare earths), similar in chemistry to yttrium.  Notably, it is used as a dopant for garnets used as laser gain media, and such lasers are used in medical laser applications such as laser surgery as well as in industrial and military applications.  The radioactive isotope thulium-170 can be produced in nuclear reactors and is found in portable x-ray devices used for medical diagnostics and manufacturing quality-control applications.  Additionally, this isotope can be used for radiotherapy cancer treatment.  Thulium may be also used in high-temperature superconductors, magnetic ceramic materials, personal radiation dosimeters, and phosphors for use in anti-counterfeiting features of modern currency notes such as the Euro.  Thulium is available as metal and compounds with purities from 99% to 99.999% (ACS grade to ultra-high purity);  metals in the form of foil, sputtering target, and rod, and componds as submicron and nanopowder.

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