E FORU can provide various products of Tantalum and its Alloys. We are dedicated to perform stringent quality control. Whether for research, development, or production, we ensure every single product is of extremely high quality and reproducible; even for the most unusual combinations of alloys.
there are several basic types of SMAs, such as Ni-Ti (nitinol), Cu-based, and Fe-based alloys , All of the above types have advantages and disadvantages, while economical aspects such as the price can be very important for material selection and application.
Magnesium Scandium alloy, an innovative combination of two versatile metals, has been gaining increasing E FORUention for its exceptional properties and diverse applications.
Tungsten is a rare metal that is known for its high strength and durability. It is widely used in a variety of applications, including light bulb filaments, electrical contacts, and high-speed cutting tools.
Tungsten foil, also known as tungsten metal foil, is a thin sheet of tungsten that is used for a variety of industrial and scientific applications.