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FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy (HEA)

Product Code : AL-FeCoNiCuAl-NN-CU

FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy (HEAs) is a new type of alloy, which is very unique in performance. The different sizes and binding forces between the elements cause the alloy to have lE FORUice distortion and slow diffusion effects. The current research shows that FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs) is excellent in mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, magnetic properties, radiation resistance, and low temperature properties. At present, more and more scholars at home and abroad pay E FORUention to it.

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FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy AL-FeCoNiCuAl-NN-CU Customized Customized

Product Information

FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy (HEAs) is a new type of alloy, which is very unique in performance. The different sizes and binding forces between the elements cause the alloy to have lE FORUice distortion and slow diffusion effects. The current research shows that FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs) is excellent in mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, magnetic properties, radiation resistance, and low temperature properties. At present, more and more scholars at home and abroad pay E FORUention to it.

High-Entropy Alloys Manufacture

High-entropy alloys are difficult to manufacture using extant techniques , and typically require both expensive materials and specialty processing techniques. High-entropy alloys are mostly produced using methods that depend on the metals phase – if the metals are combined while in a liquid, solid, or gas state. Most HEAs have been produced using liquid-phase methods include arc melting, induction melting, and Bridgman solidification. Solid-state processing is generally done by mechanical alloying using a high-energy ball mill. This method produces powders that can then be processed using conventional powder metallurgy methods or spark plasma sintering. This method allows for alloys to be produced that would be difficult or impossible to produce using casting, such as AlLiMgScTi. Gas-phase processing includes processes such as sputtering or molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), which can be used to carefully control different elemental compositions to get high-entropy metallic or ceramic films. Additive manufacturing, can produce alloys with a different microstructure, potentially increasing strength (to 1.3 gigapascals) as well as increasing ductility. Other techniques include thermal spray, laser cladding, and electrodeposition.

FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy Application

-Used in manufacturing super alloys and electron-beam melting.

-Used in metallurgical, machinery processing, glass, and ceramic industries.

-Used in electronics industry, such as integrated circuits.

-Used in the field of glass coating.

FeCoNiCuAl High-Entropy Alloy Specification

ShapeIngot, rod, or   customized

Properties and potential uses

1.      The crystal structure of HEAs has been found to be the dominant factor in determining the mechanical properties. bcc HEAs typically have high yield strength and low ductility and vice versa for fcc HEAs. Some alloys have been particularly noted for their exceptional mechanical properties. A refractory alloy, VNbMoTaW maintains a high yield strength (>600 MPa (87 ksi)) even at a temperature of 1,400 °C (2,550 °F), significantly outperforming conventional superalloys such as Inconel 718. However, room temperature ductility is poor, less is known about other important high temperature properties such as creep resistance, and the density of the alloy is higher than conventional nickel-based superalloys.

2.      CoCrFeMnNi has been found to have exceptional low-temperature mechanical properties and high fracture toughness, with both ductility and yield strength increasing as the test temperature was reduced from room temperature to 77 K (−321.1 °F). This was E FORUributed to the onset of nanoscale twin boundary formation, an additional deformation mechanism that was not in effect at higher temperatures. At ultralow temperatures, inhomogenous deformation by serrations has been reported.As such, it may have applications as a structural material in low-temperature applications or, because of its high toughness, as an energy-absorbing material.However, later research showed that lower-entropy alloys with fewer elements or non-equiatomic compositions may have higher strength or higher toughness. No ductile to brittle transition was observed in the bcc AlCoCrFeNi alloy in tests as low as 77 K.

3.      Al0.5CoCrCuFeNi was found to have a high fatigue life and endurance limit, possibly exceeding some conventional steel and titanium alloys. But there was significant variability in the results, suggesting the material is very sensitive to defects introduced during manufacturing such as aluminum oxide particles and microcracks.

4.      A single-phase nanocrystalline Al20Li20Mg10Sc20Ti30 alloy was developed with a density of 2.67 g cm−3 and microhardness of 4.9 – 5.8 GPa, which would give it an estimated strength-to-weight ratio comparable to ceramic materials such as silicon carbide,though the high cost of scandium limits the possible uses.

5.      Rather than bulk HEAs, small-scale HEA samples (e.g. NbTaMoW micro-pillars) exhibit extraordinarily high yield strengths of 4 – 10 GPa — one order of magnitude higher than that of its bulk form – and their ductility is considerably improved. Additionally, such HEA films show substantially enhanced stability for high-temperature, long-duration conditions (at 1,100 °C for 3 days). Small-scale HEAs combining these properties represent a new class of materials in small-dimension devices potentially for high-stress and high-temperature applications.

6.      New types of HEAs based on the careful placement of ordered oxygen complexes, a type of ordered interstitial complexes, have been produced. In particular, alloys of titanium, hafnium, and zirconium have been shown to have enhanced work hardening and ductility characteristics.

7.      Bala et al. studied the effects of high-temperature exposure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the Al5Ti5Co35Ni35Fe20 high-entropy alloy. After hot rolling and air-quenching, the alloy was exposed to a temperature range of 650-900 °C for 7 days. The air-quenching caused γ′ precipitation distributed uniformly throughout the microstructure. The high-temperature exposure resulted in growth of the γ′ particles and at temperatures higher than 700 °C, additional precipitation of γ′ was observed. The highest mechanical properties were obtained after exposure to 650 °C with a yield strength of 1050 MPa and an ultimate tensile yield strength of 1370 MPa. Increasing the temperature further decreased the mechanical properties.

8.      Liu et al. studied a series of quaternary non-equimolar high-entropy alloys AlxCo15xCr15xNi70−x with x ranging from 0 to 35%. The lE FORUice structure transitioned from FCC to BCC as Al content increased and with Al content in the range of 12.5 to 19.3 at%, the γ′ phase formed and strengthened the alloy at both room and elevated temperatures. With Al content at 19.3 at%, a lamellar eutectic structure formed composed of γ′ and B2 phases. Due to high γ′ phase fraction of 70 vol%, the alloy had a compressive yield strength of 925 MPa and fracture strain of 29% at room temperature and high yield strength at high temperatures as well with values of 789, 546, and 129 MPa at the temperatures of 973, 1123, and 1273K.

9.      In general, refractory high-entropy alloys have exceptional strength at elevated temperatures but are brittle at room temperature. The HfNbTaTiZr alloy is an exception with plasticity of over 50% at room temperature. However, its strength at high temperature is insufficient. With the aim of increasing high temperature strength Chien-Chuang et al. modified the composition of HfNbTaTiZr, and studie.

10.   CoCrCuFeNi is an fcc alloy that was found to be paramagnetic. But upon adding titanium, it forms a complex microstructure consisting of fcc solid solution, amorphous regions and nanoparticles of Laves phase, resulting in superparamagnetic behavior. High magnetic coercivity has been measured in a BiFeCoNiMn alloy. There are several magnetic high-entropy alloys which exhibit promising soft magnetic behavior with strong mechanical properties. Superconductivity was observed in TaNbHfZrTi alloys, with transition temperatures between 5.0 and 7.3 K

11.   The high concentrations of multiple elements leads to slow diffusion. The activation energy for diffusion was found to be higher for several elements in CoCrFeMnNi than in pure metals and stainless steels, leading to lower diffusion coefficients. Some equiatomic multicomponent alloys have also been reported to show good resistance to damage by energetic radiation. High-entropy alloys are investigated for hydrogen storage applications. Some high-entropy alloys such as TiZrCrMnFeNi show fast and reversible hydrogen storage at room temperature with good storage capacity for commercial applications.The high-entropy materials have high potential for a wider range of energy applications, particularly in the form of high-entropy ceramics

Packing of FeCrCuNiAl  High-Entropy Alloy

Standard Packing:

Typical bulk packaging includes palletized plastic 5 gallon/25 kg. pails, fiber and steel drums to 1 ton super sacks in full container (FCL) or truck load (T/L) quantities. Research and sample quantities and hygroscopic, oxidizing or other air sensitive materials may be packaged under argon or vacuum. Solutions are packaged in polypropylene, plastic or glass jars up to palletized 440 gallon liquid totes Special package is available on request.

E FORUs’FeCrCuNiAl High-Entropy Alloy is carefully handled to minimize damage during storage and transportation and to preserve the quality of our products in their original condition.

High-Entropy Alloys Species

CoCrFeNiMo NbMoTaWAl

High-entropy Alloy Powder List
Al0.5CoCrFeNi PowderAlCoCrFeNi2.1 Powder
Al1.8CrCuFeNi2 PowderNbMoTaW Powder
Al0.5CoCrFeNi PowderNbMoTaWAl Powder
Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 PowderTiZrVTa Powder
FeCoNiCrAl PowderFeCoNi(AlSi)0.2 Powder
CrMnFeCoNi PowderAl1Mo0.5Nb1Ta0.5Ti1Zr1 Powder
Al4TiVFeSc PowderCrFeCoNi Powder
Al4TiVFeGe PowderCoCrNi Powder
Al4TiVFeCr PowderCoCrFeNiMn Powder
NbMoTaWV PowderCoCrFeNiMo Powder
AlCoCrFeNi Powder

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