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Europium is a chemical element with the symbol Eu and atomic number 63. Europium is a silvery-white metal of the lanthanide series that reacts readily with air to form a dark oxide coating. It is the most chemically reactive, least dense, and softest of the lanthanide elements. It is soft enough to be cut with a knife. Europium was isolated in 1901 and named after the continent of Europe.  Europium usually assumes the oxidation state +3, like other members of the lanthanide series, but compounds having oxidation state +2 are also common. All europium compounds with oxidation state +2 are slightly reducing.  Europium has no significant biological role and is relatively non-toxic compared to other heavy metals. Most applications of europium exploit the phosphorescence of europium compounds.   Europium is one of the rarest of the rare-earth elements on EarthE FORU) provides Europium and compounds at a competitive price, including Europium Acetate, Europium Carbonate, Europium Chloride, Europium Fluoride, Europium Hydroxide, Europium Metal, Europium Nitrate, Europium Oxalate, Europium Oxide, Europium Sulfate

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Europium is utilized primarily for its unique luminescent behavior.  Excitation of the europium atom by absorption of ultra violet radiation can result in specific energy level transitions within the atom, creating an emission of visible radiation .In energy efficient fluorescent lighting, europium oxide provides not only the necessary red but also the blue.  Several commercial blue phosphors are based on europium.  Its luminesence is also valuable in medical, surgical and biochemical applications.  Europium is available as metal and compounds with purities from 99% to 99.999% (ACS grade to ultra-high purity);  metals in the form of foil, sputtering target, and rod, and componds as submicron and nanopowder.

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